Thursday, May 27, 2010

Seventh Gen

Ok so Seventh Generation is my new BFF! I am loving that company right now for several reasons. One they make great eco friendly and natural products. Two they tell you exactly what is in it, no I wonder what I am using or I can't pronounce anything. But the most important reason is their customer service, yes people customer service still exists, in some companies at least. Being the frugalist I am I do not purchase Seventh Gen unless it is on sale or I have a coupon, I mean come on 4.99 for 80 wipes, ouch. So when I purchased their baby wipes for the first time and got them home I was surprised that they were bone dry. Humm it doesn't take a genius to figure out that wipes should be wet. Armed with my I don't get it attitude I called the company and was so amazed. They not only e-mailed me back right away they apologize, asked me to give them the product info and mailed me out a voucher for a new box! At the same time I got a $5 rebate in the mail from them for some cleaning products I bought a few weeks back. Ok that was a steal Kroger had a big sale on 7th Gen, I had coupons plus a mail in rebate. Each thing came out to less than $2 each. I know I am a loser but very exciting for me, plus they told me to add a little filtered water to the dry box of wipes and they will be just fine! Rock on Seventh Generation, OK I am dating my self a little =) Blessings Laur

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