Monday, June 14, 2010

Basics list for bread baking

I love baking real bread and love sharing this love with everyone. I have been asked to put together a basics list of what you need. So below is a list of the basis you will need to make all your breads, rolls, muffins, pizza crust, pancakes, waffles and the list goes on.... If you have no idea what I am talking about feel free to contact me or visit Happy baking!!! Blessing Laur

Equipment needed:

Bread Machine (I got mine at walmart or you can check craigslist for a used one)
Grain Mill (I have the wondermill and I got it at breadbeckers)
Bread Beckers Cookbook- has every recipe you could ever need

Ingredients needed:
For basic dough recipe (makes all variations of breads, rolls, and pizza crust) Can also use the following ingredients for bagels, pita bread, english muffins and so on....

BB is Bread Beckers
Wheat (Can use hard red or hard white wheat) I would start with a small bucket of each to see what your family likes (sold at BB)
Flax seed (buy whole seed and grind in a blender) buy at any health food store or at BB
Instant yeast (Most stores carry or they have at BB)
Gluten (BB)
Lecithin (BB)
Honey (BB is the best price I can find because you use a lot of honey) l gallon of wildflower is about $27
Olive oil
Salt (I use sea salt)

For muffins/pancakes just grab these extra ingredients...

Baking soda
Baking powder
Buttermilk (can also make at home 1 cup of milk and Tbs of vinegar)

Then depending on the flavor you want (bananas, walnuts, blueberries, mixed berries, what ever you want)

Let me know if anyone needs anything!!! Once you get started it is super easy trust me =)

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